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About the Surratt Society

The Surratt Society is a volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of history involving the Surratt House.

Founded in 1975, the Surratt Society encourages research into the role that this historic site played in the events surrounding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and into life in mid-19th century Southern Maryland.



For the Surratt Society By-Laws please, click here.





To contact the Surratt Society


The mailing address is:

      Surratt Society

      9201 Edgeworth Drive #3853

      Capitol Heights, MD  20791-3853


The e-mail address is:



We Need Your Help!
Are You a Surratt Society Member?
As we are moving to a more digital format, we are trying to catch up our records of current members, and open registration to new members!

Already a member? Please fill out the form below, so we can match your information with our old files.

Not yet a member? Fill out the form below and we will add you to our growing list of thousands of members world wide!

(Please note:  The Executive Committee of the Surratt Society suspended the collection of membership dues in 2020, and has not yet reinstated them; so the payment of dues is not currently a requirement for membership.  The Meeting and Conference is FREE AND OPEN TO ALL.)

Thank you for helping us move forward to a digital platform!

Our Mission

Visit, Learn & Experience Our History

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